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MPI-IS joins forces to create the Robotics Institute Germany

MPI-IS joins forces to create the Robotics Institute Germany

  • 19 June 2024

The Robotics Institute Germany (RIG), jointly announced by Germany’s leading robotics centers on June 18 at the "AI-based Robotics 2024" conference in Berlin, is to become the central hub for robotics in Germany. Prof Angela Schoellig from the consortium leader, the Technical University of Munich (TUM), and RIG spokesperson Prof Tamim Asfour from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) presented the RIG concept for AI-based robotics. The Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart and Tübingen is one of the main partners of the consortium, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for the next four years, starting on July 1, 2024.


pi rm Christoph  Keplinger
Christoph Keplinger
Managing Director
robustml Wieland Brendel
Wieland Brendel
Research Group Leader
lds Michael Muehlebach
Michael Muehlebach
Research Group Leader
ei Dieter Büchler
Dieter Büchler
Research Group Leader
bmm Florian Hartmann
Florian Hartmann
Max Planck Research Group Leader
sg Linda Behringer
Linda Behringer
Public Relations Officer