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Consumer Depth Cameras for Computer Vision - Research Topics and Applications




Author(s): Fossati, A. and Gall, J. and Grabner, H. and Ren, X. and Konolige, K.
Year: 2012
Series: Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Publisher: Springer

Department(s): Perzeptive Systeme
Bibtex Type: Book (book)
Paper Type: Book

Links: publisher's site


  title = {Consumer Depth Cameras for Computer Vision - Research Topics and Applications},
  author = {Fossati, A. and Gall, J. and Grabner, H. and Ren, X. and Konolige, K.},
  series = {Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = {Springer},
  year = {2012},
  doi = {}