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Biodegradable artificial muscles: going green in the field of soft robotics

Biodegradable artificial muscles: going green in the field of soft robotics

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, at Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria, and at University of Colorado Boulder in the US developed fully biodegradable, high-performance artificial muscles. Their research project marks another step towards green technology becoming a lasting trend in the field of soft robotics.

fully biodegradable high-performance artificial muscles green technology soft robotics.


rm Ellen Rumley
Ellen Rumley
Ph.D. Student
rm Alona Shagan
Alona Shagan
Postdoctoral Researcher
rm Philipp Rothemund
Philipp Rothemund
Tenure track professor University of Stuttgart
rm Zachary Yoder
Zachary Yoder
rm Benjamin Karrer
Benjamin Karrer
Master's Student Intern
pi rm Christoph Keplinger
Christoph Keplinger
Managing Director