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BirdBot is energy-efficient thanks to nature as a model

BirdBot is energy-efficient thanks to nature as a model

A team of scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and the University of California, Irvine constructed a robot leg that, like its natural model, is very energy efficient. BirdBot benefits from a foot-leg coupling through a network of muscles and tendons that extends across multiple joints. In this way, BirdBot needs fewer motors than previous legged robots and could, theoretically, scale to large size. On March 16th, the researchers will publish their work in Science Robotics.

locomotion legged robot biomechanics robotics Alexander Badri-Spröwitz Monica Daley Metin Sitti


dlg hi Alexander Badri-Sprowitz
Alexander Badri-Sprowitz
Senior Research Scientist
pi Metin Sitti
Metin Sitti
Guest Researcher
Linda Behringer
Public Relations Officer