David Gueorguiev
Note: David Gueorguiev has transitioned from the institute (alumni).
I am working mostly on touch and haptic interactions. My long-term goal is to bring haptics & neuroscience of touch to education.
After a degree in Physics at Free University of Brussels, I have completed a Master in computational neuroscience in Paris from EHESS,ENS, Paris 5 and an internship at the Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit in Cambridge. I wrote my Master thesis on the topic of attention and consciousness. During my PhD at Université catholique de Louvain, I studied the perception of natural textures and ultrasonic frictional feedback. In 2016, I became post-doc in the MINT team at INRIA Lille working on the subjective tactile perception during human-machine interaction. Since October 2017, I am now a post-doc in the Haptic Intelligence department at the Max-Planck institute in Stuttgart. My current projects investigate the finger behavior during 4D haptic interaction and the importance of timing for the perception of haptic cues.
Haptics Friction Touch Psychophysics Neuroscience