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HUGS: Human Gaussian Splats


Conference Paper


Recent advances in neural rendering have improved both training and rendering times by orders of magnitude. While these methods demonstrate state-of-the-art quality and speed, they are designed for photogrammetry of static scenes and do not generalize well to freely moving humans in the environment. In this work, we introduce Human Gaussian Splats (HUGS) that represents an animatable human together with the scene using 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS). Our method takes only a monocular video with a small number of (50-100) frames, and it automatically learns to disentangle the static scene and a fully animatable human avatar within 30 minutes. We utilize the SMPL body model to initialize the human Gaussians. To capture details that are not modeled by SMPL (e.g., cloth, hairs), we allow the 3D Gaussians to deviate from the human body model. Utilizing 3D Gaussians for animated humans brings new challenges, including the artifacts created when articulating the Gaussians. We propose to jointly optimize the linear blend skinning weights to coordinate the movements of individual Gaussians during animation. Our approach enables novel-pose synthesis of human and novel view synthesis of both the human and the scene. We achieve state-of-the-art rendering quality with a rendering speed of 60 FPS while being ∼100× faster to train over previous work.

Author(s): Muhammed Kocabas and Rick Chang and James Gabriel and Oncel Tuzel and Anurag Ranjan
Book Title: IEEE/CVF Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
Year: 2024
Month: June

Department(s): Perzeptive Systeme
Bibtex Type: Conference Paper (inproceedings)
Paper Type: Conference

Event Name: CVPR 2024
Event Place: Seattle, USA

Links: arXiv
Project Page

Attachments: Poster


  title = {{HUGS}: Human Gaussian Splats},
  author = {Kocabas, Muhammed and Chang, Rick and Gabriel, James and Tuzel, Oncel and Ranjan, Anurag},
  booktitle = {IEEE/CVF Conf.~on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
  month = jun,
  year = {2024},
  doi = {},
  month_numeric = {6}