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Tubular micro- nanorobots: smart design for bio-related applications


Conference Paper


We designed microrobots in the form of autonomous and remotely guided microtubes. One of the challenges at small scales is the effective conversion of energy into mechanical force to overcome the high viscosity of the fluid at low Reynolds numbers. This can be achieved by integration of catalytic nano-materials and processes to decompose chemical fuels. However, up to now, mostly hydrogen peroxide has been employed as a fuel which renders the potential applications in biomedicine and in vivo experiments. Therefore, other sources of energy to achieve motion at the micro- nanoscale are highly sought-after. Here, we present different types of tubular micro- and nanorobots, alternative approaches to toxic fuels and also, steps towards the use of tubular microrobots as micro- and nanotools

Author(s): Sanchez, S. and Wang, Xi and Solovev, A. A. and Soler, L. and Magdanz, V. and Schmidt, O. G.
Book Title: Small-Scale Robotics
Volume: 8336
Pages: 16--27
Year: 2014
Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Publisher: Springer

Department(s): Theory of Inhomogeneous Condensed Matter
Bibtex Type: Conference Paper (inproceedings)

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-55134-5\textunderscore2

Address: Karlsruhe
Language: eng


  title = {Tubular micro- nanorobots: smart design for bio-related applications},
  author = {Sanchez, S. and Wang, Xi and Solovev, A. A. and Soler, L. and Magdanz, V. and Schmidt, O. G.},
  booktitle = {Small-Scale Robotics},
  volume = {8336},
  pages = {16--27},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  publisher = {Springer},
  address = {Karlsruhe},
  year = {2014},
  doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-55134-5\textunderscore2}