Design of Tangent Vector-Set Fields using Polynomials (Talk)
- Olga Diamanti
- Interactive Geometry Lab at ETH Zurich
The design of tangent vector fields on discrete surfaces is a basic building block for many geometry processing applications, such as surface remeshing, parameterization and architectural geometric design. Many applications require the design of multiple vector fields (vector sets) coupled in a nontrivial way; for example, sets of more than two vectors are used for meshing of triangular, quadrilateral and hexagonal meshes. In this talk, a new, polynomial-based representation for general unordered vector sets will be presented. Using this representation we can efficiently interpolate user provided vector constraints to design vector set fields. Our interpolation scheme will require neither integer period jumps, nor explicit pairings of vectors between adjacent sets on a manifold, as is common in field design literature. Several extensions to the basic interpolation scheme are possible, which make our representation applicable in various scenarios; in this talk, we will focus on generating vector set fields particularly suited for mesh parameterization and show applications in architectural modeling.
Biography: Olga Diamanti just obtained her PhD degree from the Interactive Geometry Lab at ETH Zurich, supervised by Prof. Olga Sorkine-Hornung. She obtained a Master's Degree in Computer Science from ETH Zurich, where she was a recipient of an Excellency Scholarship, working with Prof. Marc Pollefeys of the Computer Vision and Geometry Group. She holds a Dipl.Ing. degree in Electrical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, where she worked with Prof. Petros Maragos of the Computer Vision and Signal Processing Group. Her current interests are in geometry processing and modeling, specifically on vector field design, surface parametrizations, and inter-surface mappings.