Welcome to the Athena Group page!
Founded in 2017 at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, the Athena Group aims to connect and support women in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, robotics, intelligent systems and related fields.
The Athena Group within the Max Planck Society
Through the informal and regular meetings of the Athena Group, women in science can exchange experiences about their career paths, benefit from a supportive community, and work together to address relevant issues. Currently, Athena Groups are located within the Max Planck Institute of Intelligent Systems (MPI-IS) at both the Stuttgart and Tübingen locations, as well as the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research (MPI-FKF) in Stuttgart. All meetings are announced to our local member email lists, and our public events are also advertised through flyers and web postings.
If you are a female scientist or engineer working in the aforementioned MPI’s, please join us! Please follow the link to sign up for the relevant Athena Group email list for MPI-IS in Stuttgart, MPI-IS in Tübingen, or MPI-FKF. Signing up for one of these local lists will also enable you to receive general Athena Group emails.
Furthermore, if you are a scientist at another MPI or if you are passionate about supporting women in science and engineering and want to become more involved with the Athena Group, please contact us at athena@is.mpg.de.
The Athena Group at MPI-IS Stuttgart
The Athena Group at MPI-IS Stuttgart has launched a series of invited speaker seminars, in which we invite highly motivated and successful scientists who are willing to share both their scientific contribution and personal experiences in their respective fields of study. These talks are advertised to our entire institute site, and smaller gatherings with speakers are announced only to our local email list.
A special component of our Athena Group is the mentoring program that we run. Our mentoring program is available to members who are interested in a more personal and individualized support system. Interested individuals can serve as both mentor and mentee. These pairs meet regularly throughout the year for personal and career advice. Following the example of MPI-IS Stuttgart, similar mentoring programs are being developed within other Athena Groups.
Please complete the mentoring survey to apply and join the mentoring program at MPI-IS in Stuttgart. Filling out this survey will help us support you best by finding the most suitable mentor or mentee. After you complete the survey, we will email you within 15 business days about a potential mentor or mentee.
The Athena Group at MPI-IS Tübingen
The Athena Group at MPI-IS Tübingen was launched in February 2019. A regular part of our activities are lunch meetings where scientists across all career levels can connect to each other in a casual way. These meetings are announced to our local email list.
We recently also started a mentoring program to provide the opportunity for additional support and advice. Interested individuals can join the program as both mentor and mentee. Each mentoring pair can set up the contact individually according to their respective preferences.
Please complete the mentoring survey to apply and join the mentoring program at MPI-IS in Tübingen. Filling out this survey will help us support you best by finding the most suitable mentor or mentee. After you complete the survey, we will email you within 15 business days about a potential mentor or mentee.
In addition, we plan workshops on gender- and career-related topics with invited experts and group discussions. These events are also announced to our local email list.
We look forward to meeting and working with you!
Contact: athena@is.mpg.de