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Empowering Change: The Role of Student Changemakers in Advancing Sustainability within Engineering Education

Matthew, V., Simancek, R. E., Telepo, E., Machesky, J., Willman, H., Ismail, A. B., Schulz, A. K.

Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), June 2024, Victoria Matthew and Andrew K. Schulz contributed equally to this publication. (issue) In press






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Navigating the Ocean of Biases: Political Bias Attribution in Language Models via Causal Structures

Jenny, D.

ETH Zurich, Switzerland, November 2023, external supervision (thesis)






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ProtoGAN: Towards Few Shot Learning for Action Recognition
ProtoGAN: Towards Few Shot Learning for Action Recognition

Dwivedi, S. K., Gupta, V., Mitra, R., Ahmed, S., Jain, A.

Proc. International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshops, October 2019 (manual)

Few-shot learning (FSL) for action recognition is a challenging task of recognizing novel action categories which are represented by few instances in the training data. In a more generalized FSL setting (G-FSL), both seen as well as novel action categories need to be recognized. Conventional classifiers suffer due to inadequate data in FSL setting and inherent bias towards seen action categories in G-FSL setting. In this paper, we address this problem by proposing a novel ProtoGAN framework which synthesizes additional examples for novel categories by conditioning a conditional generative adversarial network with class prototype vectors. These class prototype vectors are learnt using a Class Prototype Transfer Network (CPTN) from examples of seen categories. Our synthesized examples for a novel class are semantically similar to real examples belonging to that class and is used to train a model exhibiting better generalization towards novel classes. We support our claim by performing extensive experiments on three datasets: UCF101, HMDB51 and Olympic-Sports. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to report the results for G-FSL and provide a strong benchmark for future research. We also outperform the state-of-the-art method in FSL for all the aforementioned datasets.


paper data [BibTex]


paper data [BibTex]

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Automatic Segmentation and Labelling for Robot Table Tennis Time Series

Lutz, P.

Technical University Darmstadt, Germany, August 2019 (thesis)




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Fluctuating interface with a pinning potential

Pranjić, Daniel

Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 2019 (thesis)




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Controlling pattern formation in the confined Schnakenberg model

Beyer, David Bernhard

Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 2019 (thesis)




HPLC separation of ligand-exchanged gold clusters with atomic precision
HPLC separation of ligand-exchanged gold clusters with atomic precision

Itzigehl, Selina

Univ. of Stuttgart, 2019 (thesis)




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Pattern forming systems under confinement

Maihöfer, Michael

Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 2018 (thesis)




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Electrostatic interaction between colloids with constant surface potentials at fluid interfaces

Bebon, Rick

Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 2018 (thesis)



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Non-equilibrium dynamics of a binary solvent around heated colloidal particles

Wilke, Moritz

Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 2018 (thesis)




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Monte Carlo study of colloidal structure formation at fluid interfaces

Meiler, Tim

Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 2018 (thesis)




DNA-linked gold nanoclusters
DNA-linked gold nanoclusters

Hornberger, Lea-Sophie

Univ. of Stuttgart, 2018 (thesis)




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Surface structure of liquid crystals

Sattler, Alexander

Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 2018 (thesis)




HPLC-Trennung von Gold-clustern
HPLC-Trennung von Gold-clustern

Vogt, Pascal

Univ. of Stuttgart, 2018 (thesis)





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Non-equilibrium forces after temperature quenches in ideal fluids with conserved density

Hölzl, Christian

Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 2017 (thesis)





Enzyme activity and transport in biological media
Enzyme activity and transport in biological media

Troll, Jonas

Univ. of Stuttgart, 2017 (thesis)




Propulsion of magnetic colloids at low Reynolds number
Propulsion of magnetic colloids at low Reynolds number

Segreto, Nico

Univ. of Stuttgart, 2017 (thesis)




Design of a visualization scheme for functional connectivity data of Human Brain
Design of a visualization scheme for functional connectivity data of Human Brain

Bramlage, L.

Hochschule Osnabrück - University of Applied Sciences, 2017 (thesis)


Bramlage_BSc_2017.pdf [BibTex]

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Electrostatic interaction between non-identical charged particles at an electrolyte interface

Schmetzer, Timo

Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 2017 (thesis)





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Detecting and modeling time shifts in microarray time series data applying Gaussian processes

Zwießele, M.

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany, 2010 (thesis)



