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Integrating AI Agents into Human Lives via a Simulation Approach

  • 18 July 2024 • 14:00—18 June 2024 • 15:00
  • Siheng Chen
  • N3

As the rapid growth of AI techniques, we might witness the emergence of AI agents entering our lives, reminiscent of new species. Ensuring these AI agents can well integrate into human life would be a profounding challenge. We urge these agents to be highly performant, safe, and well-aligned with human values. However, directly training and testing AI agents in real-world environments to guarantee their performance and safety is costly and can disrupt everyday life. Thus, we are exploring a simulation-based approach to incubate these AI agents. In this talk, we will highlight the role of simulation in two key scenarios: large language models (LLMs) and autonomous driving. Through these two studies, I will demonstrate how simulation can effectively facilitate the development of LLM agents and driving agents, ensuring they are both powerful and safe for human use.

Organizers: Yao Feng

  • Dr. Chaoqun Dong
  • Hybrid - Webex plus in-person attendance in Copper (2R04)

Soft materials assemblies offer a diverse range of sophisticated functions, including sensing and actuation, particularly relevant in intimate interactions with the human body. While hard materials dominate current machine and robot construction, there is a growing recognition of the advantages of soft materials in biomedical devices and human-machine interfaces. Soft systems offer comfort, safety, adaptability, and cost-effectiveness. However, the development of soft devices, encompassing sensors, actuators, and power sources, is in its early stages, requiring further research in materials, fabrication, design, and mechanism. In this talk, I will first introduce soft electronic fibers and textiles with state-of-the-art architectures and functionalities. I will discuss how combining a fundamental understanding of rheology with mechanical and electrical engineering of elastic materials has led to these advances. Examples will include high-performance, stretchable energy harvesters and highly integrated soft actuators. Following this, I will present our recent breakthroughs in minimally invasive nerve interfaces, achieved through the innovative integration of soft actuators with thin film-based bioelectronics.

Organizers: Katherine Kuchenbecker Christoph Keplinger

  • Shixiang Tang
  • Hybrid

Recent years have witnessed great research interests in Human-Centric Visual Computing, such as person re-identification in social surveillance, mesh recovery in Metaverse, and pedestrian detection in autonomous driving. The recent development of large model offers the opportunity to unify these human-centric tasks and achieve improved performance by merging public datasets from different tasks. This talk will present our recent work on developing human-centric unified models on 2D vision, 3D vision, Skelton-based and vision-language tasks. We hope our model will be integrated to the current large language models to achieve an intelligent human world model.

Organizers: Yandong Wen

Computational Mechanics for Plant-Inspired Soft Robots

  • 07 May 2024 • 11:00—12:00
  • Dr.-Ing. Renate Sachse
  • Hybrid - Webex plus in-person attendance in Copper (2R04)

Soft robotics, an emerging field, focuses on creating flexible and adaptable robots inspired by the pliability found in living organisms. Developed through advancements in materials and manufacturing techniques, soft robots offer unique capabilities such as delicate object manipulation and safe human interaction. In soft robot design, the greatest challenge currently lies in identifying a structure capable of executing a targeted maneuver considering its intricate mechanical behavior. A possible design concept is to learn from biological systems and transfer the functionalities to biomimetic technologies. Recent advancements in soft robotics have turned to plants as inspiration, because they offer attractive characteristics such as resilience, self-healing, autonomy and continuous mechanisms. Hereby, the underlying biological cells act as a microstructure enabling a motion of the macrostructure and introducing intelligence into the system. Yet, before a biological function principle can be transferred to a biomimetic device, it must be fully understood. High-fidelity computer simulations are particularly suitable for analyzing biological motions within a so-called reverse biomimetics approach, but also for technical mechanisms. In this context, computational mechanics can be seen as an enabling technology, allowing for the representation of soft robots as the continuous and flexible structures they truly are. This talk aims to showcase my recent research efforts to integrate the two fields of computational mechanics and soft robotics deeply. Above all, my vision is to go even one step further and not only “reconstruct” the mechanical behavior of biomimetic soft robots through computational analysis, but also to advance methods in computational mechanics such that a systematic inverse design of these complex structures comes within reach.

Organizers: Katherine Kuchenbecker Christoph Keplinger

Generative Rendering and Beyond

  • 02 May 2024 • 17:00—18:00
  • Shengqu Cai
  • Hybrid

Traditional 3D content creation tools empower users to bring their imagination to life by giving them direct control over a scene's geometry, appearance, motion, and camera path. Creating computer-generated videos, however, is a tedious manual process, which can be automated by emerging text-to-video diffusion models (SORA). Despite great promise, video diffusion models are difficult to control, hindering users from applying their own creativity rather than amplifying it. In this talk, we present a novel approach called Generative Rendering that combines the controllability of dynamic 3D meshes with the expressivity and editability of emerging diffusion models. Our approach takes an animated, low-fidelity rendered mesh as input and injects the ground truth correspondence information obtained from the dynamic mesh into various stages of a pre-trained text-to-image generation model to output high-quality and temporally consistent frames. Going beyond, we will discuss the various challenges and goals towards achieving controllability in video diffusion models, and conclude with a preview of our ongoing consensus video generation efforts.

Organizers: Shrisha Bharadwaj Michael Black

Modeling and Reconstructing Garments with Sewing Patterns

  • 04 April 2024 • 14:00—15:00
  • Maria Korosteleva
  • N3.022

The problems of creating new garments (modeling) or reproducing the existing ones (reconstruction) appear in various fields: from fashion production to digital human modeling for the metaverse. The talk introduces approaches to a novel garment creation paradigm: programming-based parametric sewing pattern construction and its application to generating rich synthetic datasets of garments with sewing patterns. We will then discuss how the availability of ground truth sewing patterns allows posing the learning-based garment reconstruction problem as a sewing pattern recovery. Such reformulation enables obtaining high-quality 3D garment models from sparse point clouds with effective design generalization while simultaneously providing designer-friendly garment representation for further use in traditional garment processing pipelines.

Organizers: Yao Feng Michael Black

Designing Mobile Robots for Physical Interaction with Sandy Terrains

IS Colloquium
  • 18 March 2024 • 16:00—17:00
  • Dr. Hannah Stuart
  • Hybrid - Webex plus in-person attendance in Copper (2R04)

One day, robots will widely support exploration and development of unstructured natural environments. Much of the work I will present in this lecture is supported by NASA and is focused on robot design research relevant to accessing the surfaces of the Moon or Mars. Tensile elements appear repeatedly across the wide array of missions envisioned to support human or robotic exploration and habitation of the Moon. With a single secured tether either rovers or astronauts, or both, could belay down into steep lunar craters for the exploration of permanently shadowed regions; the tether prevents catastrophic slipping or falling and mitigates risk while we search for water resources. Like a tent that relies on tensioned ropes to sustain its structure, tensegrity-based antennae, dishes, and habitations can be made large and strong using very lightweight materials. We ask: Where does the tension in these lightweight systems go? Ultimately, these concepts will require anchors that attach cables autonomously, securely, and reliably to the surrounding regolith to react tensile forces. Thus, the development of new autonomous burrowing and anchoring technologies and modeling techniques to guide design and adoption is critical across multiple space relevant programs. Yet burrowing and anchoring problems are hard for multiple reasons, which remain fundamental areas of discovery. Our goal is to understand how the mechanics of granular and rocky interaction influences the design and control small-scale robotic systems for such forceful manipulations. I will present new mobility and anchoring strategies to enable small robots to resist, or "tug," massive loads in loose terrain, like regolith. The idea is that multiple tethered agents can work together to perform large-scale manipulations, even where traction and gravity is low. Resulting generalizable methods for rapidly modeling granular interactions also inform new mobility gaits to move over, through, or under loose sand more efficiently.

Organizers: Katherine Kuchenbecker

Bioadhesive Technologies with Mechanical Principles

  • 18 March 2024 • 11:00—12:15
  • Dr. Jianyu Li
  • Silver (2P04)

Bioadhesive technologies are important in a wide range of applications, spanning from wound management to wearable technologies. Forming and controlling tough adhesion on biological tissues has been a long-lasting challenge, necessitating transdisciplinary approaches. In my talk, I will share our recent progress in the design, mechanics, and applications of tough bioadhesives. I will first discuss the limitations of clinically used surgical glues and blood clots in terms of adhesion properties. I will then present the mechanical principles for making tough bioadhesives that exhibit superior adhesion performance on diverse tissues. Furthermore, I will discuss our transdisciplinary approaches and underlying mechanisms for controlling tough bioadhesion through ultrasound and interfacial entanglements. Lastly, I will showcase the applications of tough bioadhesives in wound management, tissue repair, and hemorrhage control. This talk will highlight the synergy of materials and mechanics in the development of new biomaterials poised to address biomedical challenges.

Organizers: Christoph Keplinger Adrian Koh

Geometric Regularizations for 3D Shape Generation

  • 13 March 2024 • 15:00—16:00
  • Qixing Huang
  • N3.022

Generative models, which map a latent parameter space to instances in an ambient space, enjoy various applications in 3D Vision and related domains. A standard scheme of these models is probabilistic, which aligns the induced ambient distribution of a generative model from a prior distribution of the latent space with the empirical ambient distribution of training instances. While this paradigm has proven to be quite successful on images, its current applications in 3D generation encounter fundamental challenges in the limited training data and generalization behavior. The key difference between image generation and shape generation is that 3D shapes possess various priors in geometry, topology, and physical properties. Existing probabilistic 3D generative approaches do not preserve these desired properties, resulting in synthesized shapes with various types of distortions. In this talk, I will discuss recent work that seeks to establish a novel geometric framework for learning shape generators. The key idea is to model various geometric, physical, and topological priors of 3D shapes as suitable regularization losses by developing computational tools in differential geometry and computational topology. We will discuss the applications in deformable shape generation, latent space design, joint shape matching, and 3D man-made shape generation.

Organizers: Yuliang Xiu

  • Marie Großmann
  • Hybrid - Webex plus in-person attendance in 5N18

The sensory perception of the world, including seeing and hearing, tasting and smelling,touching and feeling, are necessary social skills to become a social counterpart. In this context,the construction of a perceptible technology is an intersection where technical artifacts have the capability to interact and sense their environment. Sensors as technical artifacts not only measure various (physical) states, with their presented results influencing perceptions and actions, but they also undergo technical and computational processing. Sensors generate differences by capturing and measuring variations in their surroundings. In this talk, I will share insights from my qualitative social research in the lab, using a sociological engagement with technology, materiality, and science research as a starting point to sharpen a sociological perspective on constructing technical perceptions. The focus will lie on how knowledge on perceptions is implemented in technology and materiality when constructing sensors.

Organizers: Katherine Kuchenbecker

Mining Visual Knowledge from Large Pre-trained Models

  • 18 January 2024 • 15:00—16:00
  • Luming Tang
  • N3.022

Computer vision made huge progress in the past decade with the dominant supervised learning paradigm, that is training large-scale neural networks on each task with ever larger datasets. However, in many cases, scalable data or annotation collection is intractable. In contrast, humans can easily adapt to new vision tasks with very little data or labels. In order to bridge this gap, we found that there actually exists rich visual knowledge in large pre-trained models, i.e., models trained on scalable internet images with either self-supervised or generative objectives. And we proposed different techniques to extract these implicit knowledge and use them to accomplish specific downstream tasks where data is constrained including recognition, dense prediction and generation. Specifically, I’ll mainly present the following three works. Firstly, I will introduce an efficient and effective way to adapt pre-trained vision transformers to a variety of low-shot downstream tasks, while tuning only less than 1 percent of the model parameters. Secondly, I will show that accurate visual correspondences emerge from a strong generative model (i.e., diffusion models) without any supervision. Following that, I will demonstrate that an adapted diffusion model is able to complete a photo with true scene contents using only a few casual captured reference images.

Organizers: Yuliang Xiu Yandong Wen