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Non-parametric Models for Structured Data and Applications to Human Bodies and Natural Scenes


Ph.D. Thesis


The purpose of this thesis is the study of non-parametric models for structured data and their fields of application in computer vision. We aim at the development of context-sensitive architectures which are both expressive and efficient. Our focus is on directed graphical models, in particular Bayesian networks, where we combine the flexibility of non-parametric local distributions with the efficiency of a global topology with bounded treewidth. A bound on the treewidth is obtained by either constraining the maximum indegree of the underlying graph structure or by introducing determinism. The non-parametric distributions in the nodes of the graph are given by decision trees or kernel density estimators. The information flow implied by specific network topologies, especially the resultant (conditional) independencies, allows for a natural integration and control of contextual information. We distinguish between three different types of context: static, dynamic, and semantic. In four different approaches we propose models which exhibit varying combinations of these contextual properties and allow modeling of structured data in space, time, and hierarchies derived thereof. The generative character of the presented models enables a direct synthesis of plausible hypotheses. Extensive experiments validate the developed models in two application scenarios which are of particular interest in computer vision: human bodies and natural scenes. In the practical sections of this work we discuss both areas from different angles and show applications of our models to human pose, motion, and segmentation as well as object categorization and localization. Here, we benefit from the availability of modern datasets of unprecedented size and diversity. Comparisons to traditional approaches and state-of-the-art research on the basis of well-established evaluation criteria allows the objective assessment of our contributions.

Author(s): Andreas Lehrmann
Year: 2016
Month: July

Department(s): Perzeptive Systeme
Bibtex Type: Ph.D. Thesis (phdthesis)

School: ETH Zurich
Attachments: pdf


  title = {Non-parametric Models for Structured Data and Applications to Human Bodies and Natural Scenes},
  author = {Lehrmann, Andreas},
  school = {ETH Zurich},
  month = jul,
  year = {2016},
  doi = {},
  month_numeric = {7}